Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is a form of assisted stretching that focuses on the body’s connective tissue, muscles and joints to improve range of motion, relieve tension and improve performance. Using a variety of stretch and joint mobilization techniques, FST helps maintain the synergistic relationship between the body’s tissues and joints for optimal health.
FST can be included in any treatment for additional relaxation or therapeutic benefits and is covered under the scope of RMT for health insurance claims.
“Science shows that the NeuroMyoFascial system must be incorporated for optimal results in pain management, rehabilitation and functional training. Stretch to Win® - Fascial Stretch Therapy has been doing this since 1995 and has since evolved into a complete system that is successfully being used in medical, fitness and sports facilities all over the world.” Stretch to Win Institute
Results can vary depending on severity however FST is a highly effective therapy that delivers full results in as little as one session.
Health Benefits
Improve posture & muscle function
Improve flexibility and mobility
Improve sport specific performance
Increase muscle fibre recruitment
Reduce muscle tension and risk of injury
Restore balance and symmetry of the body
Accelerate muscle recovery
Help treat symptoms associated with osteoarthritis and facet joint dysfunctions
Who benefits from FST?
People with sedentary jobs such as desk jobs
People who suffer from circulation issues, tension headaches, muscle tension and chronic pain
Athletes/fitness enthusiasts
People who perform repetitive movements daily ie: construction & factory workers
People rehabbing an injury
People with muscle imbalances causing poor posture
FST is covered under RMT insurance benefits. RMT receipts provided.
For rates, hours of operation and inquiries, please click HERE
What is Fascia?
Fascia is a network of layered connective tissue that surrounds your muscles, nerves, bones, organs, and joints; without your fascia, you would fall apart.
What are joint capsules?
A joint capsule is also a connective tissue structure that surrounds joints and is involved in optimizing the mechanical function of the joint, protecting individual structures and providing supplying it with nutrients.
When fascia and joint capsules are restricted, it can cause:
Decreased joint space, leading to degenerative joint diseases and osteoarthritis
Increased muscle tone, leading to; trigger points, strains, tendonitis, and tears
Increased nervous tissue tone, leading to headaches, trigger points, and muscle tightness
Increased scar tissue formation
Decreased blood flow and energy levels
What should I wear to my appointment?
Wear clothing that you can easily move in as you will be placed into different positions, as well as a pair of shorts that hug the thigh. Clothing options: leggings, tank tops, shorts, sports bras, jogging pants, t-shirts
Should I train before or after my session? This will depend on your current issue and goal for the treatment, please be sure to ask me directly and I will advise you
What makes FST different than other forms of assisted stretching?
The difference between FST and other common forms of assisted stretching is how particular elements (e.g. traction, oscillation, circumduction) that may be identified as stand alone techniques that have long been established as part of the lexicon of manual therapy are safely, anatomically and logically combined, choreographed and systematized into a cohesive method that has been proven valid and reliable many times over for decades ~ Stretch to Win Institute